Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the Festival of the Dancing Turnips

Today was a very horrible day. First, I fell into the Basilisk Lagoon during our visit to Krakanakalakarak Beach (next to Tiki Beach). It was a horrible experience, since that day was the Festival of the Dancing Turnip. During this important ceremony, the natives heat the water of Basilisk Lagoon to high temperatures, then toss turnips into the boiling waters. The turnips bounce around because of all the bubbles, and it is said that for every extra minute it takes for a turnip to bounce out and onto the basilisk statue, a day of storms will occur. Let me tell you, sitting in boiling water while being pelted with turnips is NOT a fun experience. Finally, I got tired of waiting for them to finish dancing and notice me, so I grabbed a turnip near me and threw it at the statue. As soon as the hollow "BONG" emanated from the basilisk, everybody was still. Someone who appeared to be the leader stepped forward with an hourglass. He shouted "The turnips have spoken! There shall be 51 weeks of storms this year!" The rest of the villagers seemed a little dissapointed at the long amount of storms they would have to endure, but started celebrating all the same.

After almost everyone had returned to their huts, Chizu finally found me. We all returned to the ship.


Tia said...

lol =D

Jonathan, an Asian said...

You know, there ae only 52 weeks in a year, so it is pretty much impossible to have 51 weeks of storms in a year.
Unless, of course, you live in the Pacific Northwest...

Captain Mujar L. said...

You see, that is the reason that they were disappointed. You would be too if you only had one week of storm-free time this year.